

Tony grew up on the family farm outside the small east Texas town of Grand Saline. In high school, Tony was voted president of the student body, captain of the football team, and was a champion debater. After graduation Tony attended the University of Texas at Austin where he was a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. Tragically, in the summer before his senior year of college, he was in an automobile accident which resulted in a broken neck. Thankfully, Tony was able to overcome this setback and graduate Summa Cum Laude from the University of Texas at Tyler the following semester.

After spending several years in Chicago as a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, trading soybean futures, Tony decided to return to Texas and attend law school. While at South Texas College of Law, Tony was a member of the Law Review, and the Mock Trial team, which won the National Championship. Tony was again able to graduate with honors Summa Cum Laude and for these accomplishments was named the Outstanding Male Graduate of his law school class.

After law school, along with his best friend Darin Ray, Tony founded the law firm Duckworth & Ray, LLP. Since then they have represented more than 7500 cases in trial courts throughout Texas including Montgomery County, Harris County, and Walker County.



American Bar Association, American Trial Lawyers Association, State Bar Texas, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Montgomery County Criminal Defense Bar